gpsMaps |
Custom GPS Topographic Maps
This section is about Wild Rose gpsMaps and
how they're made, including options, prices, and ordering information.
Our focus is helping you map your world.
You record locations and trails with a GPS receiver,
and we'll plot them on a topographic map.
We also offer USGS topo maps with the
UTM grid drawn in for accurate use with a GPS receiver.
Our free Map-Finder
service can help you pick the right maps.
High-resolution digital maps,
illustrated maps,
and other web or print graphics are also available.
For do-it-yourself types, a complete gpsMap software package
should be available by mid-1999.
This gpsMap is part of a backpacking trip to
Point Reyes National Seashore, CA.
NOTE: Mapping takes plenty of time and effort.
Our contract programming work is also time-consuming,
and that work is currently crowding out the possibility
of taking on new map work. Please feel welcome to write
or call. We enjoy being helpful, and sharing a love
for maps, gps, and the great outdoors.
Getting Started
A gpsMap starts with a concept: hiking the Sierras from border to border,
tracking rare birds, your pursuit of the perfect fishing spot or
mountain bike workout.
It's inspiring to go on an adventure,
then return and map where you went and what you found.
A gpsMap is a great way to share an outdoor experience,
and we can include text, graphics, photos, or graphs,
creating a useful reference for teaching, business, or science.